The United Nations focuses on many things, but protecting the environment and creating a sustainable society is one of its top priorities. For this reason, the UN established Sustainable Development Goals, which can be traced back as far back as 1972. There are many initiatives and goals, but the final result is to improve a broad range of development issues around the world. Here are their goals:
Eradicate Extreme Poverty and Hunger
The first goal of Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) is to end extreme poverty and hunger. The UN wants to end poverty in all its forms everywhere around the world. Additionally, it wants to end hunger and achieve food security so that everyone can have improved nutrition. The UN also wants to promote sustainable agriculture.
Achieve Universal Primary Education
Eradicating poverty and hunger increases health and well-being, as does getting a quality education. The UN wants every nation to achieve universal primary education to ensure inclusive and equitable learning. It also wants to promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.
Promote Gender Equality
Gender equality has been a major issue in many countries, and the UN wants to eradicate bias against all women and girls through empowerment. The goal is to provide women and girls with equal access to education, health care, decent work, and representation in political and economic decision-making processes.
Reduce Child Mortality
Child mortality is a gripping issue in many countries, and some have a death rate of over 13%. Many of the UN’s goals work toward reducing the child mortality rate including clean water and sanitation, affordable and clean energy, building resilient infrastructure and promoting sustainable industrialization, and reduce inequality among countries. Additionally, focusing on peace, justice, and strong institutions will promote peaceful and inclusive societies that will provide justice for all.
Improve Maternal Health
Many of the goals above also help improve maternal health, as well. Reducing child mortality starts with the mother. Giving quality healthcare is the first way to improve maternal health, but the UN also wants to create a decent work environment and economic growth, which is linked to enhancing the quality of life.
Ensure Environmental Sustainability
Most of us know that the United Nations focuses on ensuring environment sustainability. It plans to do this by protecting, restoring, and promoting sustainable use of ecosystems on land and below the water through conservation. Some of the plans are to combat desertification, managing and preserving forests, halting and reversing land degradation and biodiversity loss, and creating a sustainable development for marine life.
Additionally, the UN wants to take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts by regulating emissions and promoting developments in renewable energy. Creating sustainable cities and communities through the advancement of sustainable, resilient, and safe communities can also assist the environment.
This will be achieved by building strong infrastructures and promoting sustainable industrialization. To do this, the UN also wants to encourage responsible consumption and production to provide for the present while protecting the needs of future generations.
Global Partnership for Development
The final goal is to create a global partnership so all of these objectives can be achieved. This can only be done by promoting peace and justice and strengthening the means of implementation to revitalize global partnerships. The original goal was to have all of this finished by 2015, but it has been extended to 2030.