Computers run on programs. Programs are made of commands, written in a programming language, that are processed by the computer. There are hundreds of programming languages, each with their own specific niche and purpose. An example of one of those specialty languages is CSS.
CSS is a programming language that stands for “Cascading Style Sheet.” The language was designed to be used in designing web pages and their layouts. As a language, CSS can be interpreted by all browsers, regardless of the device or operating system. CSS, along with JavaScript and HTML, is the primary means used in the creation of most web pages, interfaces for web applications, and interfaces for mobile applications as well. In business, CSS and HTML are invaluable applications, as they allow companies and services to display and share content in a way that is cost effective and highly accessible.
CSS was designed to enable the separation of content and its presentation (layouts, colors, and fonts). By separating formatting and content, the language facilitates the presentation of the same markups in different styles or rendering methods. For example, the language may be interpreted and displayed as text in print and as text read aloud by a screen reader or speech-based browser. It is also through use of this language that websites are able to appear differently depending on the size and resolution of the screen on which they are being viewed.
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