affordable life insurance options for seniors

Affordable Life Insurance Options for Seniors

Life insurance is an important financial tool that provides peace of mind and financial security for individuals and their loved ones. While the cost of life insurance can vary based on several factors, including age and health, there are affordable options available specifically tailored to meet the needs of seniors. Here we'll explore some of the affordable life insurance options for seniors, ensuring they can protect their loved ones without breaking the bank.

1. Types of Life Insurance

Term Life Insurance

Term life insurance is a popular and cost-effective option for seniors seeking affordable coverage. This type of policy provides coverage for a specified period, such as 10, 15, or 20 years, offering a death benefit to beneficiaries if the insured passes away during the term. Term life insurance premiums are typically lower than permanent life insurance policies, making it an attractive option for seniors looking for affordable coverage. It is important to note that premiums may increase with age or upon policy renewal, so it's essential to consider the term length and coverage needs carefully.

Guaranteed Universal Life Insurance

Guaranteed universal life insurance, also known as GUL, is another affordable life insurance option for seniors. GUL provides lifelong coverage with a guaranteed death benefit and fixed premiums. This type of policy combines elements of term and permanent life insurance, offering flexibility and affordability. GUL policies often have lower premiums compared to traditional whole life insurance policies, making them more accessible for seniors. It's important to review the policy terms and understand any limitations or restrictions associated with the guarantee period.

Simplified Issue and Final Expense Insurance

Simplified issue and final expense insurance are tailored specifically for seniors and often do not require a medical exam. These policies are designed to cover end-of-life expenses, such as funeral costs and outstanding debts. Simplified issue policies have a simplified application process with a few health-related questions, making them accessible to individuals with pre-existing health conditions. While premiums for these policies may be slightly higher compared to other options, they provide a straightforward and affordable solution for seniors seeking coverage without extensive medical underwriting.

2. Selecting a Plan

Fidelity Life

Fidelity Life offers term life insurance plans for as little as $10 per month. No medical exams are required, and you'll get fast approval for insurance you're covered in no time. Fidelity's plans can be used to cover mortgage and college costs to ensure your family is cared for long after you are gone. It can also be purchased as supplemental insurance for other coverage you may have through an employer. Find a rate that suits you and select from any term length of your choosing. Approval takes anywhere from 24 to 48 hours.

Best of all, if you aren't completely satisfied with your policy in the first 30 days, you can request a full refund and search elsewhere.


ColonialPenn is another popular option for seniors. Their Guaranteed Acceptance Life Insurance comes with no medical exams or health questions that can make you subject to rate increases. It comes with a limited benefit period that allows them to cover anyone regardless of their circumstances.  Coverage amount varies depending on age, gender and state of residence. Premiums are locked in and can be as low as $9.95 a month for those who qualify.

Global Life

Global Life offers a type of final expense insurance that covers families for burial and funeral costs.  This insurance can also be used for families needing to take a break to grieve in your absence, covering them for mortgage payments and other necessities. The flexibility of this plan makes it a prime choice for seniors wanting to look after their families after they are gone.\

Of course, the options above are just some of the amazing affordable plans available for seniors. The best way to find a plan in your budget is to shop around and get a quote.

3. Getting a Quote

When shopping around for life insurance quotes as a senior, it's essential to follow a few key steps to ensure you find the best coverage at a competitive price. Firstly, take the time to evaluate your specific needs and determine the coverage amount and duration that aligns with your financial goals. Next, research and compare multiple insurance providers that specialize in life insurance for seniors. Look for insurers with a strong reputation, financial stability, and a track record of serving older individuals effectively. Obtain quotes from multiple companies and carefully review the coverage details, premiums, and any additional benefits included.

Consider working with an experienced independent insurance agent who can provide guidance, help you navigate the options, and assist in finding the most suitable coverage based on your unique circumstances. Lastly, don't be afraid to ask questions and seek clarification on any aspects of the policy that you may not fully understand. By taking a thoughtful and thorough approach to shopping for life insurance quotes, seniors can make informed decisions and secure the coverage they need to protect their loved ones.

Last Updated: August 28, 2023