Gavel, stack of books, stethoscope, and pills.

Medical Malpractice Settlements

Every year, thousands of people are injured as a result of mistakes made by physicians and other medical personnel. In some cases, this negligence leads to large medical malpractice settlements. There is no price tag that can be placed on health or human life, but a settlement can help a family cover the expenses associated with malpractice. Settlements also serve as a deterrent for negligent behavior among medical personnel, possibly preventing suffering on behalf of future patients.

Filing a Malpractice Lawsuit

It should be noted that medical malpractice is not easy to prove. It takes an experienced malpractice attorney to review the case and uncover the appropriate evidence. A simple mistake by a physician does not necessarily equate to malpractice; situations in which doctors understand there could be negative consequences that may result in patients' injuries or deaths can be considered malpractice.

If the negligence of a medical professional has resulted in an injury or death in your family, it is imperative that you contact a knowledgeable malpractice attorney to discuss the details of your case. An attorney will be able to analyze and determine how you should proceed. He or she may also be able to represent you in the event that you choose to file a medical malpractice lawsuit.

The Average Settlement

The average medical malpractice settlement is $270,000. The amount of your settlement will depend on the magnitude of the injury, whether there is malice involved, the level of pain and suffering, and more.

A settlement amount also hinges on what is at stake if the case went to trial. An experienced medical malpractice attorney will be able to systematically build a case that has a solid foundation. He or she will ensure that all evidence is solid and trustworthy and that all witnesses are dependable. The stronger the case, the better the chance of settling for a large amount.

There are many instances in which medical malpractice settlements have reached seven- and even eight-figure sums. In cases such as avoidable birth defects, permanent brain damage, death of an infant, and more, such settlement figures are common.

Adequate Counsel

The importance of acquiring skilled legal counsel in cases like this cannot be overstated. The insurance companies that insure doctors will take every possible precaution to minimize the financial damage on their end. Many victims of malpractice make the mistake of dealing directly with the insurance company or medical institution involved. If you or a family member is a victim of medical malpractice, don't attempt to navigate through your ordeal alone. Contact an attorney who has built a reputation for securing settlements for clients. The insurance companies will fight tooth and nail to keep from you what is rightfully yours. You need someone willing to fight just as hard on your behalf.

Last Updated: December 21, 2015