guy working in hostile work environment looking for an attorney

Types of Attorneys Who Deal With Hostile Work Environment Law

Attorneys tend to specialize in one field of expertise, so they have the chance to represent their client the best way they know how. This fact means that there is a lot of variation between fields. Even labor law attorneys are broken down into different expertises. Your attorney should be tailored to your situation so you can get the best representation possible and receive adequate compensation. Here are the various types of lawyers you can approach when it comes to a hostile work environment.

Hostile Work Environment Lawyer

Employees deserve to work with peers who respect them, rather than a place that causes undue stress. A hostile work environment attorney knows about harassment better than others and is prepared to represent you and defend your rights. If you’ve experienced leering, offensive comments, or violent behavior, you need a hostile work environment attorney.

These legal professionals also deal with retaliation issues. Retaliation occurs when you report a problem, and instead of the situation being resolved, issues just begin to grow worse, and you're considered a "whistleblower." If this occurs, you need a lawyer immediately who knows how to protect you.

Sexual Harassment Lawyer

Sexual harassment should never happen in the workplace, but unfortunately, it does. You should never have to deal with unwanted attention from a coworker or a superior. A sexual harassment attorney is someone who specializes in protecting victims of this heinous crime. Some examples of sexual harassment include inappropriate leering and unwanted touch. Another example of sexual harassment is “quid pro quo” situations, such as when a superior asks you to perform a task in exchange for a promotion. You have the right to work somewhere you feel comfortable, and sexual harassment lawyers specialize in this delicate type of case. 

Employment Lawyer

An employment lawyer, or a labor law attorney, can protect and represent you should your rights be violated. Employment attorneys are required to know all recent state and federal legislation regarding the workplace. Some situations that necessitate an employment lawyer include if you’ve been rejected lunch breaks when you’re legally obligated to take one, or if you are forced to work without receiving payment for services. An employment lawyer is skilled in understanding state and federal regulations.

Discrimination Lawyer

Unfortunately, discrimination is an immense issue in the United States, accounting for over 90,000 cases with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission. It's illegal for your coworkers or superiors to discriminate against you. Discrimination lawyers are trained to recover damages if you've experienced derogatory remarks against your age, sex, religion, gender, or race. You can also approach this legal professional if you've been rejected a promotion or pay raise based on who you are.

Last Updated: April 28, 2016