child holding parents hand deciding on child custody lawyer

When Should You Hire a Child Custody Lawyer?

Dealing with custody of your child can be one of the most difficult things you’ve ever experienced in your life, especially if you aren’t sure when you should hire an attorney. These are some situations when you should consider hiring a lawyer for child custody. 

During a Divorce

Divorces can be hard to go through, especially if there are children involved. The process becomes very expensive, and you should never go to court alone. Divorce and child custody lawyers are experienced in handling cases to help you get custody or a fair visitation schedule, depending on your situation. A child custody attorney is skilled in keeping the process as painless as possible for the child while getting you the rights you deserve.

With a Non-Compliant Spouse/Parent

As much as we want child custody to move smoothly, sometimes fathers or mothers can be non-compliant—which can make it hard to seek custody proactively. No one wants to lose custody of their kid, but an attorney can tell you how to work with the other parent without breaking any laws. Your child custody lawyer may also be able to use the non-compliance in your favor to help give you visitation or custody. 

During Complex Cases

Parents are encouraged to hire a lawyer for child custody when the cases are complex. An example of a complicated case would be when one parent lives out of the country or even out of state. Another could be if a child has mental or physical disabilities that may require a parent to remain with the child at all times. Hiring a child custody attorney that is skilled in handling complex cases can help you determine what’s best for your child and how to get the objective you want from the court. Plus, an attorney can help you be prepared for anything the judge may ask. 

When Custody is Already Lost

Child custody may not occur when there’s a split, and you may have already lost custody of your child due to past actions. A child custody lawyer can help you go over your case once some changes have been made to see if you qualify for visitation or custody based on your recent changes. Situations change on a regular basis, and judges frequently go over what’s best for the child. A child custody attorney can help the judge see that choosing your home could be what’s best for your kid. 

During Confusion

Child custody cases are never cut and dry for the average person. There can be a lot of legalese that confuses parents into doing things that harm their case. If you’re ever confused during a child custody case, you should consider hiring an attorney to explain some of the misunderstandings. An attorney can walk you through the situation, help you fill out paperwork, and even teach you how to conduct yourself during court so the judge can look at you favorably. Lawyers may also be able to help you fix a mistake that you’ve already made.

Last Updated: December 13, 2018