A good credit repair company may seem difficult to find, but some agencies stand out among the rest. If you’re looking for assistance in fixing your credit, here are the best credit repair companies in business today.
Lexington Law
Lexington Law has maintained an A rating from the Better Business Bureau for over three years. Lexington Law repairs your credit using licensed attorneys, which allows you to quickly move to court if a dispute cannot be removed through the major credit reporting bureaus.
When you request assistance with Lexington Law, you will have a team working to repair your credit. According to Lexington’s website, their credit repair services have removed an average of 10.2 negative reports per customer. There are various packages available starting at $79.95 per month. But be sure you’re willing to spend -- Lexington Law doesn’t offer any money-back guarantee.
Sky Blue
Sky Blue, based out of Florida, has been with the Better Business Bureau for three years and maintained an A+ rating. Rather than using attorneys, this credit repair agency cuts cost by providing credit experts to review your case. While these experts aren’t attorney, they’re known for removing disputes without having to go to court.
Unlike Lexington Law, you have the option to work with a team or a single representative. Additionally, Sky Blue offers a 90-day money-back guarantee for services. Packages start at $59 per month, and you have the ability to cancel at any time. The biggest issue with Sky Blue is the fact you must request your credit report from a separate company before speaking with a representative.
The Credit People
The Credit People, based out of Utah, was founded in 2001. The company is comprised of a credit repair team, score analysis crew, and a support group. Each of these departments ensures that your report receives detailed attention to get the most for your money. One of the best things about this business is that they’ll obtain your credit report and scores without having to go to a third-party business.
The Credit People are a monthly service that costs just $59, but you have the ability to try out its services for seven days for $19. There’s also a flat-rate membership that allows you to sign up for six months of credit repair for $299 -- this price breaks down to around $50 per month. With this service, you’ll get unlimited disputes, debt validation, free credit reports and scores, and so much more.
MSI Credit Solutions
MSI Credit Solutions has 10 years of experience in credit repair and has experienced rapid growth throughout the years. The company focuses on providing you with an educated specialist that can assist you in repairing your credit in the best way possible. The process used by MSI Credit Solutions identifies errors, disputes information, and audits anything left on your credit report to make sure corrections are made. The initial setup fee is $30, and the monthly fee can be as high as $98 per month. Also, if you and your significant other are looking for credit repair help, you can get a joint enrollment for as little as $69 per month.
Credit Repair claims that former members have seen an average of 40 points improvement on their TransUnion credit score after four months of membership. Like Sky Blue, you have the option to work with a team or one-on-one. The process is similar to other companies, as well. The first thing Credit Repair does is check your credit history. If there are issues, Credit Repair will work with you to dispute errors on your report, and monitors your credit to ensure resolution for any errors. The biggest drawback is the monthly price. Compared to others on the list, $99.95 can seem very high.