Taxes can take you by surprise, and you may feel alone in your battle to decrease debt. Thankfully, this isn’t the case with tax relief companies. These organizations specialize in assisting with taxes when they become unmanageable. Give these companies a shot, and you may feel much better about tax season.
Internal Revenue Service
Dozens of IRS tax relief companies exist, but the best possible source for any tax issue is the Internal Revenue Service. The IRS can determine how much you can pay per month in order to lower the amount of debt you owe. An Installment Agreement Request allows you to make monthly payments as long as you owe less than $10,000 in taxes. The IRS also allows some individuals the chance to permanently settle their tax debt for less than they owe through an Offer in Compromise agreement. You can find out more on the Federal Trade Commission’s website.
Larson Tax Relief
If you need extra assistance with your taxes, Larson Tax Relief is available to help. Larson Tax Relief has offices all over the United States and offers a number of services to combat tax debt, including counseling and legal assistance. It doesn’t matter if you owe IRS, state, personal, or business taxes, Larson Tax Relief handles it. The company currently boasts an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau and customers have given a five out of five customer satisfaction rating with Consumer Affairs.
Attorney Tax Relief
If it required that you take your take debt to court you will need the assistance of a lawyer. Attorney Tax Relief is one of the best IRS tax relief companies. Here, you can stop garnishments, release levies, solve IRS tax relief issues, and pay down your debt in a comfortable manner. The attorneys at this office are skilled in tax fraud defense, taxation, criminal tax defense, IRS defense, and Offer in Compromise agreements. Attorney Tax Relief currently has an A- Better Business Bureau rating and five out of five stars with Consumer Affairs.
Community Tax
Community Tax has been featured on news channels including Fox News, MSNBC, and CNN, which shows this tax relief company means business. Their services include tax resolution, tax preparation, accounting, bookkeeping, and CTax monitoring. Community Tax has professionals at their disposal including registered Certified Public Accountants (CPAs), tax preparers, and attorneys. While no one wants to go to court, Community Tax is prepared to do whatever it takes to relieve you of debt. This company is rated A+ by the Better Business Bureau and has five out of five stars with Consumer Affairs.
Wall & Associates
Wall & Associates is another law office prepared to take your tax issue to court. As explained on their website, they are experienced with liens & levies, garnishments, penalties, and seizures. They serve clients in over 50 states, including the District of Columbia, and have a toll free number open 24/7. Currently, Wall & Associates has 4.5 stars out of five on Consumer Affairs.