girl working on laptop inside library at community college

How Much Do Community College Classes Cost?

One of the advantages of community colleges, also known as junior colleges, is that they are much cheaper than a typical four-year university. On average, community colleges cost at least half as much as universities. In the United States, the average cost of two-year colleges is $3,300 per year whereas you can expect to spend about $9,000 annually at a four-year university. The exact cost of your college or university will depend on where you live as well as the ranking and prestige of the school (Yale is obviously going to be significantly more expensive than the University of Utah). 

Another advantage of community colleges is the amount of funding you can receive. Often, many state scholarships will completely pay for one semester. One example of this type of funding is Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). Students that are approved for FAFSA can receive up to $5,500 for the year. You can view your state’s scholarships and grants through their Department of Higher Education website.

If you need more funding for the semester or year, you can visit your two-year college’s financial aid department. While many community colleges will list available scholarships online, you can usually get much more information by visiting the financial aid office in person. Never wait until the last minute to apply for these grants or scholarships as there is always a deadline. The sooner you can apply the better because most scholarships are often given on a first-come, first serve basis.

Last Updated: March 09, 2016

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