50 Brands on the Brink of Declaring Bankruptcy


Office Depot is one of the big names that’s been losing to online retailers—it’s just cheaper to buy office supplies online. The company tried to merge with Staples, but the plan was rejected by those fearful of a copy paper monopoly. Lagging sales and $1 billion in debt could spell the end for Office Depot.

Office Depot

Aside from online shopping, another factor contributing to Office Depot's struggles is the changing nature of work itself. As more people work remotely or from home, there is less demand for traditional office supplies and furniture. This trend has been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic, which has led to an even greater shift towards remote work.


Did you know...

  • Want a money saving tip? Ditch credit and debit cards, and stick to carrying around cash. Studies show people spend between 12 – 18% more when using a plastic card as opposed to when paying for things in cash. If you physically have to dole it out, you’re much more aware that you are spending your hard-earned money!
  • Have you ever wondered who prints the most money? That would be Hasbro, as in the makers of Monopoly. Hasbro prints more Monopoly money in a given year than there is money in the entire world. Each set of the game comes with $20,580. Bet you didn’t know you had that much money lying around the house!
  • It's an understatement to say that the odds when playing the lottery are not in your favor. You are statistically three times more likely to die in a car accident while driving 10 miles to buy a lottery ticket than you are to actually win. Even more astounding, over half the tickets in an average lottery draw are bought by only 5% of the participants.
  • Do you know what the lifespan of U.S. currency is? The higher the denomination, the longer it stays in circulation. Both $50 and $100 bills last 9 years. The $20 sticks around for 4 years. $10 bills circulate for 3 years. The $5 bill has a 2-year lifespan, and the $1 bill only lasts around 18 months before being retired. Coins last around 30 years.
  • Paper money is actually pretty heavy. One pound would be worth $454 in $1 bills. That means $1 million comprised solely of $100 bills would weigh over 20 pounds. Those suitcases filled with money in movies must be hefty to lug around all that paper money. If you plan on robbing a bank, you better bulk up!