a jar with donations from a nonprofit fundraiser spilling out because their method was effective

Best Nonprofit Fundraising Methods

Are you trying to figure out how to fundraise? Non profit fundraising isn’t one of the easiest things to do, but a unique method can change the way people look at your business and the amount they’re willing to give. Here are some of the best ways you can raise money for your group.

Crowdfunding Site

Crowdfunding sites are incredible at helping people raise money, especially for nonprofit fundraising. Two of the most popular sites include Kickstarter and GoFundMe. Here, you can create a page that explains your company, group, or organization. You can even set goals that describe what the money will be used for—which may increase the number of donations you may receive. Crowdfunding also gives you the ability to link your nonprofit fundraising page to several social media sites, because getting the word out about your group is the most important aspect of fundraising.  

Donation Matching Drive

Donation matching drives are easily one of the best ways to raise money for nonprofit organizations. People are much more likely to donate if they know that another larger company will match whatever amount they give. For example, if someone decides to give a dollar, another company also spends a dollar. This stretches donations and encourages people to give more than usual. Donors love to know that their money is being leveraged. 

Interactive Video Fundraiser

People love interactive video fundraisers. They’re a little difficult to start, but when the ball is rolling, thousands of people get involved for the sake of fun and a charity. An example of an interactive video fundraiser was the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. People would post videos of themselves pouring buckets of ice water on themselves, and then challenge a few others to do the same and go donate to ALS. Through this interactive video fundraiser, ALS Association received $115 million in donations thanks to the viral challenge, which helped the organization find a new ALS gene, according to the ALS Association website. This video shows that raising money can be fun as well as helpful. 

Social Media Non profit Fundraising

According to DigitalTrends, Americans check social media 17 times a day and spend over four hours per day on sites like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. That makes it the perfect place for any nonprofit organization to fundraise.  Rather than just asking for donations, it can be a fund venture with a contest or even a giveaway where people can donate as a team to win prizes. This encourages people to donate, makes them feel good, and even lets them get something out of the deal. 

Affiliate Links for Online Shopping

Nonprofit fundraising is made easy with affiliate links for online shopping. You may have noticed companies like Amazon hopping on this train through links with the word “Smile” in the URL. This means that every time someone buys something, Amazon records the amount of money people spent and donates 0.5% of the proceeds to the AmazonSmile Foundation. Nonprofit groups can get their own links through affiliate programs, which can help these organizations get donations through people doing their regular shopping. Holiday seasons can increase the amount of donations that people see since 50% of shoppers get gifts online. 

Last Updated: December 12, 2018