person using portfolio tracking tools

Best Tools for Portfolio Tracking

Are you just getting into investing? Whether you’re a seasoned investor or just beginning, you could use a little help portfolio tracking. Sure, you keep a good eye on your investments, but what if you had some tools to do it for you? These are some tools you should use to increase your returns. 

Portfolio Tracking Websites

It can be tough putting your portfolio and your investment opportunities in the hands of a website. The last thing you want to do is trust a site to help you and then have it instead lead you to loss, but many of these places are set up to contain various tools that make portfolio tracking much easier. Some even send you alerts to let you know if the price changes before it begins to affect your returns. You may be surprised by how advanced some of these websites have become. 

One such site is SigFig, which is an online tool that links your investment accounts at most financial institutions. It has a number of tools that analyze a portfolio to evaluate asset allocation, risk, fees, dividends and yield, and geographic allocation. For beginners, it also features helpful information and charts so you can check your investments without hassle.

Portfolio Tracking Software

For long-term or heavy investors, it may be beneficial to invest in a good software. Not only is a software more secure than a website, but it may also include many other smaller tools useful for anyone that wishes to track their assets. 

For example, Dynamo has tight Microsoft Office integration so you can have all of your information sent through email, create spreadsheets quickly, or even have smartphone and tablet mobile access. Plus, the software may have more types of investments that a website may not have access to, including real estate. 

Mobile Portfolio Tracking

For those that are looking for a more passive way to invest, a mobile portfolio app could be the perfect choice for you. Many money management apps allow you to check your investments on a daily basis without ever touching a computer. 

Additionally, using these apps often have more security when compared to your browser as you need to link accounts and use passwords to access the app. Mint is one such app that allows you to track all of your finance accounts to know exactly how your finances are being affected. 

Google Portfolio Tracking

The best thing about Google is that it’s incredibly user-friendly, which makes Google Finance the perfect tool for any investor. What it lacks in bells and whistles, it makes up for in simplicity. Portfolios can be entered manually or uploaded in several formats. Once added, Google tracks it on a daily basis and gives you reports on daily performance. 

Additionally, by using Google Finance, you have access to full Google integration including Gmail and Google News. Below the portfolio, there is a listing of current news items that are related to companies you’ve chosen to track. 

Last Updated: December 12, 2018