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Latest Major Commodity Prices

Finding the latest major commodity prices are straightforward and necessary for those in the market. Whether you’re interested in gold, silver, natural gas, or some other major commodity, these prices may help you find your best trading opportunities.
All facts and figures are from CNN Money.


In general, the commodities market has recently seen a decrease in most markets. Some markets have seen a slower drop, but these changes can help you choose which markets are best to invest in at the moment. Agriculture is on the rise, gold is steadily increasing, while the energy market is dropping. Some experts suggest that crude oil is impacting the market more than the election. 

Huge news released today stating that the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) caused oil prices to surge due to a freeze on crude oil. This is the first cut we’ve seen in eight years since the financial crises. The new quota number is over 32 million barrels a day—which is something we haven’t had in years with OPEC. The oil surge is affecting the stock market and other commodity prices drastically. 


Energy has dropped across the board. Crude oil saw a -1.21% change with the 52-week price range at $50.73 per barrel. Heating oil saw a drop of -1.66% and has a 52-week price of $1.58 per gallon. Natural gas also saw a drop of -1.25% and has the price of $3.23 per million BTUs. The least impacted by the crude oil news is unleaded gas which saw a -0.009% change and is now $1.48 per gallon. Finally, Brent crude saw a significant shift of -1.43% and has changed to $52.38 a barrel. 


Metals saw an even week of losses and gains. As usual, gold saw a 0.13% increase and is now $1,257.50 per troy ounce. Platinum also saw an increase of 0.08%, which results in a 52-week price range of $950.60 per troy ounce. Silver saw a slight decrease of -0.05% and has a commodity price of $17.50 per troy ounce. Copper also saw a decline of -0.09% and a new commodity price of $2.18 per pound. 


Agriculture also saw minimal changes this week. Corn had no change and remains 3.46¢ per bushel. Soybeans did see a slight decrease of -0.10% and the commodity price is marked at 9.54¢ per bushel. Wheat saw a change that resulted in an increase of 0.80%, and now the price is 4.07¢ per bushel. 

Meat and Livestock

Meat and livestock didn’t see significant change, and the 52-week price range has remained relatively steady coming into October. Lean hogs saw an increase of 0.53% and are now .43¢ per pound. Live cattle, however, saw a decrease of 0.73% and the commodity price rose to .98¢ per pound. Feeder cattle also saw a decline of -0.48% and the price is set at 1.19¢ per pound. 


Consumer prices were also steady with the biggest change seen in sugar #11. Cocoa did see a decrease of -0.90% and is now $2,641 per metric ton. Coffee increased and sits at 0.13% with a commodity price of 151.00¢ per pound. Cotton remained even with the price of 68.65¢ per pound. Lastly, Sugar #11 dropped -2.22% and now has a commodity price of 22.90¢ per pound.

Last Updated: October 14, 2016