A computer, pen, tablet, cell phone, and charts tracking index funds.

What Are Index Funds?

Index funds are a way to invest in many stocks, bonds, or other items all through a single option. Although the name might seem confusing, index funds are actually simple to understand. You should know a few points if you’re preparing to buy index funds.

What are index funds?

An index is simply a collection of different investments, such as individual stocks or bonds. The collection of investments in an index fund is intended to closely match the performance of a larger third-party index like the Standard and Poor’s 500. The funds are said to track other indexes because the goal is to match or beat their performance. Many index funds today track the Standard and Poor’s 500, although nearly any index can be used as a basis for creating the fund. Index funds generally track collections of stocks, but there are exceptions. For example, some index funds specifically track bonds or even precious metals. The individual structure and rules for index funds can vary between institutions.

How do index funds work?

An index fund can be assembled by a financial institution or brokerage. The simplest way to create a fund is to look at what stocks or other investments are held by another index. Those exact investments are then mirrored when you buy funds in the same ratios as the index being tracked. The second way to create a fund is to use algorithms to pick a selection of stocks in varying amounts that are likely to match the performance of the tracked index. Investors can buy index funds and can exit their investment whenever necessary, in most cases. You and all other investors make money when the index fund performs well.

What are the chances of making money off index funds?

The chance of making money off index funds is usually good for average investors. The funds are diversified just like the matching index and can offer you steady growth over the course of a few years, even if certain sectors of the market are having trouble. Something you should know is that index funds do not always perform as well as the index being tracked. This is especially true when buy funds by using algorithms instead of direct matching ratios. Although you are likely to see growth with a large index fund, it might not grow as quickly as other investment options.

What is the basic information you need to know about index funds?

Index funds are passive investments. This means no one is actively changing the composition of the portfolio based on performance. This lowers management costs and fees for investors. It is also important to know that not all index funds are created equal. Some track only specific parts of the market like pharmaceuticals or manufacturing. This is why you might want to invest in several different index funds. A final thing to know is that index funds are popular because they present little risk. The diverse portfolio helps to prevent losses due to a single area bringing down the entire fund.

Last Updated: July 06, 2017