Use Natural Ways to Cool Your Home
Hang Up Your Clothes to Dry
Use Candles for Lighting
Cut the Cable Cord
Read Your News Online
Unplug Electronics
Write a Shopping List

Shopping lists can save a ridiculous sum of money. How many times do you go shopping for something and end up with a ton more than you initially needed? Shopping lists can help deter that.
Write what you need down on a piece of paper and keep to the list when you go to the store. If it’s not on there, it doesn’t go in the cart.
Repair Clothing Instead of Tossing It
Learn Basic House Maintenance

One of the best ways to save money around the house is by repairing stuff yourself. Most appliances will have a shorter lifespan if you don’t do things like replace filters and clean out dust.
There’s also a number of other things you can do yourself like check for sump pump issues and repair caulking that’s coming up.
Invest in Warm Blankets
Put a Brick or Water Bottle in Your Toilet Tank
Drop Unused Memberships
Sign Up for Automatic Bill Pay
Start Meal Planning
Make Coffee at Home

Buying a cup of coffee is easy, but you’re paying for the service, not for the better product. A pot of coffee is around $0.50 while a cup of coffee can be around $3 to $6.
No matter how you like your cup o’ joe, you can cut down on costs by making it yourself. Buy all the fancy syrups and whip cream if you gotta!
Wait 48 Hours Before Buying

This isn’t about questioning whether you need the thing or not—although that’s a good thing to ask. When you put something in your online shopping cart (and you have an account with the site), you’ll usually get an email with a discount.
Stores want you to purchase, so they send a coupon code or discount the item, so you’re encouraged to buy it.
Create a Budget
Get a Low-Flow Showerhead
Change Your Thermostat for the Weather
Insulate Your Hot Water Heater

You can save up to $50 per year by insulating your water heater with a heat blanket.
Make sure that you leave holes for the temperature gauges, so you don’t void your warranty.
Keep Your Water Heater at 110 Degrees
Swap to CFL Bulbs
Turn Off Lights

We all know to turn off lights when we leave a room but think about turning lights off when you don’t need them on. Watching a movie or television for a while?
You may not need the light on to do this as the television lights the room for you. Instead of leaving the light on while reading, use a reading light.
Remove Saved Cards from Online Accounts
Ask Yourself Why You’re Buying Something