a pile of antique rare coins

7 Reasons to Invest in Rare Coins

Collecting rare coins can be a smart long-term investment. If you are considering investing in rare coins, take a look at these reasons why investing in rare coins is a good financial decision.

Coin investments are easy to begin.

Because rare coins have such a vast range of types and prices, starting your own collection of coins is fairly simple. Beginner investors can begin with lower-cost silver coins and slowly work up to the expensive gold coins. This availability means you can begin growing your collection even if you have very little money to put into the process at first.

Coin values increase over time.

Rare coins are typically made up of metals like silver or gold. The worth of these metals fluctuates with the market, but they nearly always remain high. In fact, lately, the value of silver and gold has been increasing. While silver tends to have a lower value overall compared to gold, recently it has had a larger percent increase in price. Also, rare coins maintain their value no matter how long you hold onto them, as they will also hold value as antiques.

Coin collecting can be fun.

Most financial investments stick strictly to the numbers. However, investing your money in rare coins can turn into a hobby as well. All rare coins will also have a history behind them and you will need to be familiar with the history in order to be fully invested. This makes looking for rare coin investments an adventure in itself.

Coin collections offer some price security.

Besides the metal content, the value of rare gold and silver coins is determined by the rarity and grade of the coin. After a coin has been examined for grade, you will have a reasonable expectation of what that coin will be worth in the future. This allows for some fluctuation in the gold and silver market price without affecting the total worth of your collection.

Rare coins are a physical investment.

It is wise to invest in physical goods rather than having all your investments be immaterial. Many financial advisors suggest that around 10% to 20% of your total investment portfolio should be physical. Buying rare coins can help to fulfill this percentage, creating an interesting way to diversify your financial investments.

There is always a market for rare coins.

Investing in a physical item is good, but if you can’t sell it when you need to then your money is tied up in the item instead. If you ever want or need to sell some of your coins, it will always be easy to find a purchaser for your coins. Other investments may not have this level of tradability. 

Diminishing supply means higher price.

An investment that naturally gains value is always a sound investment. Rare coins will only become rarer as time moves forward. The reason for this is a combination of aging and damage caused by certain mintings. Since the coins are becoming more and more rare, the value of your collection will continue to increase if you are able to keep your coins in good condition.

Last Updated: March 28, 2016