Bad credit doesn’t have to stop you from getting a personal loan. Several lenders are willing to offer personal loans online with reasonable interest for those with less than perfect credit. If you’re having a hard time, check these places for the best person loans with bad credit.
LendingPoint realizes that many Americans have a credit score that falls between 600 and 680, and that those people may need a personal loan. It can be hard to get a loan with a credit score lower than 700, but LendingPoint makes it easy to get one of the best personal loans for bad credit as long as your credit score is above 600. With this lender, you can get up to $20,000 with flexible terms from 24 to 36 months. According to Magnify Money, you can expect the interest rate to be between 17.47% and 34.99% APR depending on your creditworthiness.
Mariner Finance
According to Feefo, an independent rating website, Mariner Finance has a 4.8 out of five stars based on 481 reviews. It’s an understatement to say that customers are happy with Mariner Finance. It offers loans in 17 states that have flexible terms, affordable payments, and fast response times. The application takes around five minutes to complete, according to the website, and you can get up to $50,000. Another benefit of Mariner Finance is that it reports directly to Equifax and TransUnion so that you can increase your credit score.
OneMain allows people in 44 states to apply for personal and auto loans from $1,500 to $25,000. Unlike other companies on this list, OneMain doesn’t have a minimum credit score to get a personal loan. This makes OneMain one of the best personal loans for bad credit, hands down. The decision is fast, and you can see if you can get a pre-qualified loan without affecting your credit score. OneMain has an A+ rating with the Better Business Bureau, and an overall 4.1 out of five stars according to Credit Karma reviewers.
Avant is available in most states and has a Credit Karma score of 4.5 out of five based on consumer reviews. This lender has the best personal loans for bad credit because of the flexible payment plans. You can choose any plan between 24 and 60 months. Your credit score has to be at least 580 or above, and you can borrow any amount up to $35,000 with an APR range of 9.95% and 36.00%. The lower your credit score, the higher the interest rate will be. There is an administration fee with Avant that costs 0.95% and 3.75% in addition to the annual interest.
Lending Club
As long as your credit score is above 600, you can get a personal loan from Lending Club for up to $40,000. The company is accredited with the Better Business Bureau with an A+ rating and has a Credit Karma score of 4.8 out of five. Lending Club has a financial tool to determine how you can use your personal loan, and fixed rates, so you always know how much your monthly payment will be. The application is fast and easy, and won't impact your credit score. If you’re looking for the best personal loans for bad credit, Lending Club could be a fantastic option.