Losing your job makes life a lot more difficult, but applying for unemployment may make things a little easier. Rather than going to your local office, did you know you can apply for unemployment online? Many state governments encourage people to apply for unemployment online to save time and cut down on the amount of physical paperwork.
Each state uses a different website, so you’ll need to locate your state’s workforce or labor site. One of the easiest ways to do this is to Google “Unemployment Online Application” along with your state. Once there, you can fill out an application for unemployment as well as check your request, view payment status, change payment options, and more.
Applying online still requires the same paperwork you would use if you went in-person. Some offices may request that you scan the documents while others ask that you fax the information or bring the papers in person. It varies from office to office, so be sure to ask your local workforce or labor office their preferred method to complete your unemployment application.
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