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Presidential Net Worth Before and After Election

George Washington Before

George Washington Before
  • 1st president
  • Presidential term: 1789-1797

From what is known, George Washington had very little until marrying wealthy widow Martha Custis in 1759 and inheriting his brother’s plantation, Mount Vernon. He worked to expand the plantation and profited greatly from it.

Regnier, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

George Washington After

George Washington After
  • Before: Unknown
  • After: $525 million (adjusted for inflation)

Washington owned nearly 8,000 acres of farmland by the time of his death, contributing significantly to his increased wealth. However, with a salary that was two percent of the total U.S. budget in 1789, he was set for life regardless.

Rembrandt Peale, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Thomas Jefferson Before

Thomas Jefferson Before
  • 3rd President
  • Presidential term: 1801-1809

Before becoming president, Thomas Jefferson inherited a substantial fortune, giving him a net worth of about $240 million in today's currency. The wealth came from the 300 acres and dozens of slaves left to him by his father.

Editor James Grant Wilson and John FiskeIllustrator Jacques Reich (vignettes) et al., Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Thomas Jefferson After

Thomas Jefferson After
  • Before: $240 million (adjusted for inflation)
  • After: Broke

Despite making a profit in all of his political positions, Jefferson was broke by the time of his death. He had unsurmountable debt from loans and mismanagement of his assets, resulting in his family selling everything to stay afloat.

Tony Fischer, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Andrew Jackson Before

Andrew Jackson Before
  • 7th president
  • Presidential term: 1829-1837

Andrew Jackson was born into poverty but married into wealth and inherited his wife’s fortune when she passed away shortly before his presidency. Despite his wealth, he was seen as one of the people and a representative of middle-class America.

Daderot, CC0, via Wikimedia Commons

Andrew Jackson After

Andrew Jackson After
  • Before: Unknown
  • After: $132.6 million (adjusted for inflation)

Jackson profited greatly from parceling land in the South. He developed his cotton plantation, The Hermitage, with over 1,050 acres and 150 slaves. These ventures gave him a roughly $132.6 million net worth by the time of his death.

Mathew Benjamin Brady, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Theodore Roosevelt Before

Theodore Roosevelt Before
  • 26th president
  • Presidential term: 1901-1909

Theodore Roosevelt amassed his $1.3 million net worth (adjusted for inflation) before becoming president through a combination of family inheritance, successful ranching ventures, and prolific writing. This Rough Rider’s adventurous spirit extended to savvy financial gains.

Public Domain/Wikipedia; B.J. Falk, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Theodore Roosevelt After

Theodore Roosevelt After
  • Before: $1.3 million (adjusted for inflation)
  • After: $100 million-plus (adjusted for inflation)

Mixing relentless energy with high-demand books and speeches, Roosevelt capitalized on his larger-than-life persona after his presidency. From the wilderness to Wall Street, he turned his every move into a roaring success story, cementing his financial status.

Warnecke, William H., photographer, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

John F. Kennedy Before

John F. Kennedy Before
  • 35th president
  • Presidential term: 1961-1963

John F. Kennedy's net worth of $100 million before becoming president was largely inherited from his businessman father, Joseph Kennedy. The Kennedy fortune, built on savvy stock market moves and real estate set JFK up for a life of luxury.

Bettmann/Bettmann/Getty Images

John F. Kennedy After

John F. Kennedy After
  • Before: $100 million
  • After: $1 billion

It’s estimated that after his presidency, JFK’s net worth would have increased to $1 billion (in an alternate universe where he continued to live). Leveraging the Kennedy clout, he would have expanded investments, penned best-sellers, and commanded top-dollar speeches.

Cecil Stoughton, White House, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Lyndon B. Johnson Before

Lyndon B. Johnson Before
  • 36th president
  • Presidential term: 1963-1969

Lyndon B. Johnson amassed his $14 million net worth before becoming president through a mix of political savvy and strategic investments, greatly boosted by his marriage to heiress Claudia Alta "Lady Bird" Johnson, whose radio station empire flourished under his guidance.

US Senate, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Lyndon B. Johnson After

Lyndon B. Johnson After
  • Before: $14 million
  • After: $20 million

After his presidency, Johnson's net worth increased to $20 million. He deftly managed his media ventures and real estate holdings, transforming his post-White House years into a profitable legacy. LBJ proved that everything's bigger in Texas, even an ex-president’s fortune!

Frank Wolfe, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Richard Nixon Before

Richard Nixon Before
  • 37th president
  • Presidential term: 1969-1974

Richard Nixon amassed his $2 million net worth before becoming president through a combination of savvy real estate investments, lucrative legal practice, and his congressional salaries. This cunning political strategist knew how to turn opportunities into cold, hard cash.

Student body, Whittier Union High School., Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons; [1], Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Richard Nixon After

Richard Nixon After
  • Before: $2 million
  • After: $15 million

After his presidency, Nixon's net worth soared to $15 million. Post-Watergate, he rebounded by authoring best-selling books, giving well-paid speeches, and making smart investments. He transformed his infamy into a financial bonanza, proving resilience can pay off!

Maureen Keating, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons

Jimmy Carter Before

Jimmy Carter Before
  • 39th president
  • Presidential term: 1977-1981

Jimmy Carter acquired his $2.3 million net worth before becoming president through a peanut farming empire and savvy investments in agricultural businesses. This down-to-earth, peanut-loving entrepreneur turned his humble beginnings into a profitable pre-presidential nest egg.

Bettmann/Bettmann/Getty Images

Jimmy Carter After

Jimmy Carter After
  • Before: $2.3 million
  • After: $10 million

After his presidency, Carter's net worth increased to $10 million. Not just a peanut farmer anymore, he penned best-selling books, delivered sought-after speeches, and founded impactful non-profits, proving that even ex-presidents can cash in on their charisma and wisdom.

NurPhoto/NurPhoto/Getty Images

Ronald Reagan Before

Ronald Reagan Before
  • 40th president
  • Presidential term: 1981-1989

Ronald Reagan amassed his $10.6 million net worth before becoming president through a glamorous Hollywood career, starring in over 50 films. His charm and charisma also landed him lucrative TV gigs and endorsement deals, making the Gipper a financial success.

Greg Mathieson/Mai/The Chronicle Collection/Getty Images

Ronald Reagan After

Ronald Reagan After
  • Before: $10.6 million
  • After: $15.4 million

After his presidency, Reagan's net worth increased to $15.4 million. This boost came from his highly paid speaking engagements, memoirs that captivated readers, and various investments. Even post-White House, Reagan continued to shine, turning political clout into a golden nest egg.

Getty Images/Getty Images New/Getty Images

George H. W. Bush Before

George H. W. Bush Before
  • 41st president
  • Presidential term: 1989-1993

George H. W. Bush acquired his net worth of $4 million before becoming president through successful oil ventures, investment banking, and various business endeavors. His wealth was also bolstered by his influential family's business interests and real estate investments.

Brooks Kraft/Sygma/Getty Images

George H. W. Bush After

George H. W. Bush After
  • Before: $4 million
  • After: $23 million

After his presidency, Bush's net worth increased to $23 million. This growth resulted from book deals, paid speeches, consulting roles, and appreciating value in existing investments and continued returns from his pre-presidency business activities.

Icon Sportswire/Icon Sportswire/Getty Images

Bill Clinton Before

Bill Clinton Before
  • 42nd president
  • Presidential term: 1993-2001

Before becoming president, Bill Clinton's net worth was $1.3 million, primarily accumulated through his salary as Governor of Arkansas and various legal and consulting work. His modest financial status reflected a career dedicated to public service.

Getty Images/Hulton Archive/Getty Images; Steve Liss/ The Chronicle Collection/Getty Images

Bill Clinton After

Bill Clinton After
  • Before: $1.3 million
  • After: $241.5 million

After his presidency, Clinton's net worth soared to an astounding $241.5 million. This dramatic increase stemmed from lucrative book deals, high-demand speaking engagements, and partnerships with global initiatives, substantially enhancing his financial standing.

Noam Galai/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images

George W. Bush

George W. Bush
  • 43rd president
  • Presidential term: 2001-2008

George W. Bush acquired a net worth of $20 million before becoming president through successful oil businesses, ownership stakes in the Texas Rangers baseball team, and various real estate investments, bolstered by his family's wealth and connections.

Darren McCollester/Hulton Archive/Getty Images

George W. Bush After

George W. Bush After
  • Before: $20 million
  • After: $40 million

By the end of his presidency, Bush's net worth increased to roughly $40 million. This growth was driven by earnings from book deals, paid speaking engagements, and investments, along with continued returns from pre-presidency business ventures.

Noam Galai/Getty Images Entertainment/Getty Images

Barack Obama Before

Barack Obama Before
  • 44th president
  • Presidential term: 2008-2016

Before becoming president, Barack Obama acquired a net worth of $1.3 million through his salaries as a U.S. senator and Illinois state senator, as well as book royalties from his memoirs "Dreams from My Father" and "The Audacity of Hope.”

Image via Instagram

Barack Obama After

Barack Obama After
  • Before: $1.3 million
  • After: $70 million

Since the end of his presidency, Obama's net worth has ballooned to roughly $70 million. This increase was driven by lucrative book deals, high-paying speaking engagements, and a Netflix production deal, significantly expanding his financial portfolio.

Spencer Platt/Getty Images News/Getty Images

Donald Trump Before

Donald Trump Before
  • 45th president
  • Presidential term: 2016-2020

Donald Trump amassed his $3 billion net worth through a combination of real estate ventures, branding deals, and various business investments. His portfolio included luxury properties, hotels, and golf courses, which significantly contributed to his financial success.

Bettmann/Bettmann/Getty Images

Donald Trump After

Donald Trump After
  • Before: $3 billion
  • After: $2.3 billion

By the end of his presidency, Trump's net worth decreased to roughly $2.3 billion. This decline was attributed to legal challenges, business losses during the COVID-19 pandemic, and reduced revenue from his real estate holdings and other ventures.

Brandon Bell/Getty Images News/Getty Images

Joe Biden Before

Joe Biden Before
  • 46th president
  • Presidential term: 2020-present

Joe Biden's net worth was approximately $8 million before becoming president, largely attributed to book deals, speaking engagements, and salaries from his time as a U.S. senator and vice president.

WWD/Penske Media/Getty Images

Joe Biden After

Joe Biden After
  • Before: $8 million
  • After: $10 million

Since becoming president, Joe Biden's net worth has increased modestly to $10 million. This slight rise reflects continued income from book royalties and speaking fees, indicating a relatively stable financial status.

Alex Wong/Getty Images News/Getty Images