A couple smiles at each other as they apply for a home loan.

The Advantages of Home Loans

Home loans can be quite advantageous to the savvy borrower. If properly used, no other asset allows for more leverage and financial freedom. Below are just a few of the advantages of home loans.

  1. Opportunity to Increase Net Worth

    The net worth of most wealthy individuals is in property. Getting a home loan provides all people with a chance to use the equity in a piece of real estate to increase their net worth. With a positive net worth and ownership of property, many financial options become available that would otherwise not be.

  2. Ability to Refinance According to the Market

    Certain types of home loans provide ample opportunities for borrowers to increase their financial leverage even more through refinancing options. This can also be used in order to take cash value out of your home to start a business, go back to school, or expand on your house to increase its value even more.

  3. Opportunity to Raise Long Term Credit Scores

    Home loans provide borrowers with the ability to raise their long term credit scores. Since payments are broken up into a monthly mortgage payment that a borrower should be able to afford, staying current on the payments will build a positive credit score.

    A high credit score increases financial leverage. Therefore, it is important to make sure you are getting a mortgage you can afford so that it will not be difficult to keep up with the monthly payments.

  4. Potential to Pay Off Debt Sooner

    Home loans lend borrowers the ability to create financial leverage for themselves so that they can also pay off other debts sooner than they would normally be able to.

    Higher credit scores lead to lower interest rates, meaning less overall money out of pocket for other debts. The house can also be borrowed against if there is equity in it so that debts can be completely eliminated. You can check with your underwriter for your options here.

    Many lenders will also be much more lenient with you once they see that you are a homeowner. Owning a home ties you to the community and makes you less of a risk overall. This can lead to better terms on loans or lower interest rates.

  5. Low Interest Rate Offers

    Depending on the market that you purchase the home in, you may be able to receive an extremely low interest rate. Low interest rates mean less money out of your pocket and more equity in the real estate that you purchased. This will also make it easier to sell the property if that’s your goal.

Last Updated: July 29, 2014