Going Out to Eat

You decide to try out the cool new bistro downtown, and you’re delighted by how excellent your server was. She took care of everything you needed, right down to finding out the ingredients in the pesto—you’re allergic to pine nuts, but walnuts are fair game. You were planning to tip at the end of the night, but how much would be appropriate? 15% is the standard, but superb service usually calls for 20% or more.
Valet Parking
A Day at the Spa
A Guided Tour
Hotel Housekeeping
Friday Night at the Bar
Saturday Afternoon on the Couch

As much as you love to hit the town, you had one too many drinks at the bar last night. Instead of going out for lunch, you decide to order Chinese take-out. If you were picking up your food at the restaurant, there wouldn’t be an obligation to tip. However, if you opt for home delivery, tip the driver 10%--and a little extra if he drove through dangerous weather.
Being Taxied Around Town
A Cut, Color, and Style
The Coffee Shop Tip Jar

You head to your neighborhood coffee shop and notice the tip jar on the counter, the contents of which are split amongst the baristas. You aren’t expected to tip, but you should leave a little something if you order coffee for the entire office, ask for a very complicated drink, or you’re a regular customer.